NachtMuseum Amsterdam Collection Your Room Location FAQ

Location and contact

NachtMuseum Amsterdam
Phone +31 (0)6 26318762
Reservations and inquiries:
Visits by appointment only

Exact location and address are shared to guests with confirmed reservations

The NachtMuseum is located in Amsterdam Center East within walking distance of the old city center.
Very easy accessible by car, boat, bicycle and public transport. Tram 26 takes you in just three stops to Central Station and the new North/South metro line. Tram 7 offers a direct connection to Museum Square or the old city center. A two minute walk to the trams stop.

How to book
Contact us for pricing and available dates (minimum two nights) by sending an email to Anneke Saveur.

Mini-loft · 4 beds · 1.5 bathrooms
Free parking · Wifi